Fix Your Gut, Fix Your Life:

The No-Nonsense 8-Week Plan to Feel Amazing Again!

✓ Improve Digestion
✓ Stabilize Your Mood And Cravings
✓ Increase Focus

An unhappy gut affects your mood, focus, irritability, sugar cravings, energy and nutrient absorption. Let's balance your microbiome to restore a Happier Belly.

Happier Belly Gut Reset Program

✓ Improve Digestion
✓ Stabilize Your Mood And Cravings
✓ Increase Focus

An unhappy gut affects your mood, focus, irritability, sugar cravings, energy and nutrient absorption. Let's balance your microbiome to restore a Happier Belly.

Hi, I'm Alina, and like you, I know what it's like to feel bloated and live with chronic pain, wishing you could flip a switch and go back to how you were before. You don't need to feel helpless.  Here's what I want for you... ...


Whether you have low energy, food sensitivities, or digestive issues, all disease begins in the gut. Happy Belly, Happy You.



Wouldn't It Be Great to:

➔ Wake up feeling ENERGIZED every morning?

➔ Enjoy the FOODS you love without discomfort?

➔ Finally feel at HOME in your body?

➔ Sharpen your MIND and stay focused all day?

➔ Say goodbye to constant BLOATING and discomfort after meals?

➔ Stop feeling EXHAUSTED and drained no matter how much sleep you get?

If you answered YES, then I'm really glad you're here. These are all of the things I wanted (and achieved) for myself also. I felt lost by the many diets and fads out there, without realizing that improving my gut health was the key to my answers.


But how can you achieve better gut health? Is it just taking Probiotics every day? Fermented Foods? Kombucha? Fasting? Keto? Paleo?

It's actually a lot easier than you think, but also a little more complicated than just taking a probiotic - that's where my step-by-step guidance comes into play. This program is unlike anything you've tried before.

First Hand Experience


This program was designed by me using the exact steps and products I used to improve my gut health and take back my life.

Diminish Sugar Cravings

An improper balance of bad bacteria in the gut can trigger sugar cravings as this is "food" for those strains, making you more tired and prone to eating the wrong foods.

Step-By-Step Approach

This easy to follow program is simplified so that no matter where you are in life, you'll be able to follow.


Quick Results

Most people feel and see results very quickly and love how simple the steps and guides are.



Foods To Heal You

Delicious food plans and supplement suggestions will allow you to eat good food while improving your gut health.


No More Confusion

You're here because you're confused about what gut health really means and how you can improve it. This approach is simple to follow.


Want to know why most of the diets you've probably already tried DIDN'T work?

Regular diets don't work because:

➔One-size-fits-all approach: They don't consider individual differences in metabolism, gut health, and nutritional needs.

➔Temporary fixes: They often focus on short-term results rather than sustainable, long-term health.

➔Restrictive nature: They can be overly restrictive, leading to nutrient deficiencies and unhealthy relationships with food.

➔Lack of support: They usually don't provide the ongoing support and guidance needed to overcome challenges and maintain progress.

This program gets amazing results because:

➔Personalized protocols: We tailor our plans to your unique needs, ensuring your body gets exactly what it requires to thrive.

➔Sustainable changes: We emphasize long-term health and well-being, helping you make changes that last.

➔Balanced nutrition: Our approach promotes a healthy relationship with food, ensuring you get all the nutrients you need without feeling deprived.

➔Comprehensive support: We offer continuous support and expert guidance to help you navigate obstacles and stay on track towards your health goals.


And what about the 3 common myths that
will keep you from improving your Gut Health?

You have to take Daily Probiotics

While I love probiotics, there are certain situations where they are not recommended until we heal specific issues.

It's just Calories In vs. Calories Out

Calories do play a role, but if you have poor gut health and cannot digest food properly, you will not achieve your desired results.

Just Eat More Fermented Foods

If you react negatively to High Histamine Foods, you will actually weaken your gut by eating more fermented foods. We need to heal your gut first. 

Imagine what it will feel like as:

  • Your body starts to release weight that's been weighing you down mentally and physically
  • Your energy levels soar and you're able to spend more time with friends and family, playing sports and doing things you love
  • You enjoy going on walks, eating healthy because you realize how great you feel after
  • You quickly and effortlessly let go of those cravings that you thought would always have control over you
  • You're confidence and self-esteem are at their peak and you love picking out clothes to wear and socializing more

What would it be worth to you to finally feel like you have control over your food, instead of your food controlling you?


Here's what it's meant to others...


I grew up eating carbs where it was rude to not be constantly eating. It caught up to me in my 30's and I couldn't' figure out where my symptoms were from. The Go Happy Belly program made my symptoms disappear and allowed to me to continue living my life while enjoying time with family and friends.


When I started having food sensitivities, it seemed like it was one after the other. No dairy. No gluten. No Sugar. But I didnt feel better even after cutting those out. Alina tested me for H.Pylori and we were able to finally get to the root of my issues.


I've always struggled with weight, and just assumed being tired and bloated was a part of getting older. I feel better now than before I had kids! I feel like I can enjoy foods I love to eat without feeling so bad after. My kids loving having their fun mom back


I met Alina at a health conference and signed up for her program, Go Happy Belly. Although I was pretty slender, I had a lot of digestive problems and just didn't feel my best. I had no idea about bad bacteria and gut health! The Happier Belly program helped heal my gut and let me get back to doing things I love.

By the end of the Happier Belly program you'll:

  • Have more energy
  • Feel lighter (mentally and physically)
  • Reduce bloating & Improve Digestion
  • Learn how to support your microbiome

Let's take a look at what's inside


Module 1: Welcome To The Program

This lesson gives you an overview of what to expect, how to prepare and what you can expect to gain (or lose).

Module 2: Symptoms of Leaky Gut

Take a quick quiz to figure out what type of gut you have. The different types of gut can make us act and feel different emotions, this quiz will give you a better understanding of what's going on inside your body.

Module 3: How to Heal Your Gut

Symptoms of leaky gut, removing food triggers and when to add them back in, recommended supplements for healing and repairing leaky gut, and understanding how your digestive system works.

Module 4: The Role of Bad Bacteria

Believe it or not, bad bacteria is not all bad. We actually need both good and bad bacteria for proper diversity. Understand the key roles of bacteria and how too much or too little can benefit or harm you.

Module 5: Specific Issues and Conditions

If you're thinking "but what about me, I have ___ condition?" This is where most conditions will be addressed, in addition to how we can navigate them.

Module 6: What are the Different Gut Types?

There are actually 5 different gut types. We will discuss what those types are, what symptoms each can have, and how to heal them.

Module 7: Continuing to Heal Your Gut

You're almost done with the program! We will learn how to create a healthy gut microbiome that supports probiotic growth.

Module 8: Bonuses & Downloads

More fun downloads, recipes, fasting guides, shopping lists and more!



I'm going to throw in some BONUSES to ensure you improve your digestive health!

Goal Weight Calculator

The Goal Weight Calculator is a tool that helps you determine your optimal weight based on your specific body measurements and personal goals.

Shopping Guide

Simplified Shopping Guide to take the guess work out of what to buy to cook healthy meals at home.

Here's what's included in the Happier Belly program:

With this program you'll get:

1. *The Happier Belly Program* (Value $1297)

Gain instant access to the digital program to get started on healing your gut right away

2. Private Community Support (Value $497)

Join our private community of peers and experts to help answer your questions

3. Gut-Type Specific Meal and Supplementation Plans (Value $997)

Not all meals and supplements are the same for everyone. In fact, taking the wrong supplements or eating the wrong foods, even healthy foods, can further damage your gut

4.  Gut Quiz For Specific Support (Value $497)

Did you know there are 5 different gut types? Let's figure out which type you have so we can heal properly

5. Tools to Further Your Healing (Value $497)

I will show you practical and easy ways to continue healing your gut

6. BONUS! Digital Recipe Book (Value $197)

Access to delicious and EASY recipes to make anytime

7. BONUS! Shopping Lists and Foods to Avoid (Value $197)

Many "health" foods we eat today are causing inflammation in the body, while other trusted brands have been bought out or modified. Get access to my easy shopping list

  Total Value = ($4200)  



Happier Belly Gut Reset Program


One Time Payment



I've Still Got Questions

No problem - check out the most frequently asked ones below...

Are you ready for a Happier Belly?

Are you ready to take control of your gut health and transform your life? Imagine a future where you wake up feeling energized, free from digestive discomfort, and confident in your body's ability to heal itself. Our comprehensive Gut Reset Program, combined with Alina's expert 1-on-1 coaching, is designed to target the root causes of your symptoms and guide you towards lasting wellness. Don't wait any longer—click "Yes, I am ready!" and embark on your journey to a happier, healthier belly today!

I'll see you on the inside!

👉 Yes! I'm Ready 👈

Are you ready for a Happier Belly?

Are you ready to take control of your gut health and transform your life? Imagine a future where you wake up feeling energized, free from digestive discomfort, and confident in your body's ability to heal itself. Our comprehensive Gut Reset Program, combined with Alina's expert 1-on-1 coaching, is designed to target the root causes of your symptoms and guide you towards lasting wellness. Don't wait any longer—click "Yes, I am ready!" and embark on your journey to a happier, healthier belly today!

I'll see you on the inside!

👉 Yes! I'm Ready